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IndlægEmne: Gifted Education in 21 European Countries: Inventory and perspective   Gifted Education in 21 European Countries: Inventory and perspective EmptySøn Jun 22, 2008 12:14 am

The survey "Gifted Education in 21 European Countries: Inventory and Perspective” was conducted on behalf of the German federal ministry of education and research (BMBF). The BMBF was involved in formulating the task and the framework. The BMBF did not influence the results of the survey; the contractor bears sole responsibility.

The support for educating the gifted is booming in many European countries. The generally
held opinion during the previous century was that highly able students did not need special
attention or extra facilities. Consequently, the task of developing educational and other
provisions for the gifted in schools was completely neglected. Only within the past couple
of decades has it become more widely recognized and accepted that all children need
support that is adjusted to their level of ability, whether low or high, in order to develop
their potential to the fullest.

Se vedr. dk på side 42

A. School Legislation, Regulations and Guidelines

The Danish school legislation is presented in the “Folkeskole Act”. Neither the term
“giftedness” nor gifted students as part of a subgroup are mentioned in the legislation.
However, the recognition of individual differences is a basic axiom in the “Folkeskole
Act”. As a consequence, internal differentiation is a fundamental guideline in Danish
school education. Therefore it is the task of the school to ensure the identification of the
individual needs of each student and to offer provisions for the development of potential
(Chapter 2, Amendment 4 and 5): “The organization of the teaching, including the choice
of teaching and working methods, teaching materials and the selection of subject-matter,
shall in each subject live up to the aims of the Folkeskole and shall be varied so that it
corresponds to the needs and prerequisites of the individual pupil. It is up to the head
teacher to ensure that the class teacher and the other teachers of the class plan and organize
the teaching in such a way that it offers challenges to all pupils.”

B. Specific Provisions

Official programs in gifted education do not exist in Denmark.

- At the Royal Ballet School, talented ballet dancers are offered provisions to develop their talent in that field.
- Gifted students in music are trained at the Sct Annæ Gymnasium.
- At the Statens Pædagogike Forsøgcenter (SPF) new views and ideas of educational teaching styles and provisions like differentiation, project oriented lessons, working with portfolio, or the democratic student self-determination are developed, tested and evaluated on an experimental level.
- In 2002 a 4 year research study was launched (see “research and professional care and
- In 2004 a special school for gifted children (Mentiqa) started its activities near Copenhagen. Abt. 100 pupils attend the school at the moment, and the plan is to start branches in Funen and Jutland.
- Also in 2004 the lower-secondary boarding school (14-16 years), Odsherred, started special classes in math for gifted pupils.

C. Identification Criteria

No general identification procedures for gifted students exist in Denmark.

D. Teacher Training and/or Teacher Upgrading and Networks of Experience Exchange

The topics “giftedness” or “gifted education” are not subjects of discussion, neither in compulsory training nor in retraining.
For a couple of years a Gifted Children Network has been run by parents of gifted children. This network was initiated by Mensa Denmark, and is still coordinated through Mensa.

E. Research and Professional Care and Counseling

In 2002 a 4 year pilot research and development project was launched in the Municipality
of Lyngby-Taarbaek. The initiative was taken by the project coordinator, Ole Kyed, in cooperation
with the two professors of the Danish University of Education, Kirsten Baltzer
and Poul Nissen Abt. 30 pupils have been identified by teachers and parents and will be
followed through 4 school years.

The project is the result of nearly 10 years of debate in Denmark on the topic of gifted
children and their education. The debate was started by Ole Kyed, and interest in the topic
is growing slowly.

F. Priorities and Expectations

Provisions for the gifted (if they appear) have to be organized through private initiatives.

Still, not many teachers are sensitive to the topic of gifted education and there are only a
few specially trained teachers. Experts in the field are discussing the lack of political
recognition and legislative considerations regarding gifted children.

There is a major need for experiences in the training and retraining of teachers and other
educators in gifted education.

Early entrance or grade skipping are seen as necessary provisions for the gifted students.

There is a general desire for experience exchanges for teachers, both within and between
schools, at a regional and national level. There is also interest in the European and
international networks.

Finally, there are major shortcomings regarding research on giftedness, the number of
experts in the field, and professional care. Publications and information, courses and
seminars are slowly starting to appear on the scene.
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