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Intelligente børn

Dette åbne forum er for forældre til intelligente børn, lærere, pædagoger og andre interesserede, så intelligente børn kan få det bedste ud af livet.
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» Vi behøver virkelig hjælp!
11th International Conference of European Council for High Ability 2008 (ECHA 2008). EmptySøn Feb 06, 2022 4:12 am af Hun

» Hvornår er man intelligent - og hvornår bare godt begavet
11th International Conference of European Council for High Ability 2008 (ECHA 2008). EmptySøn Feb 06, 2022 4:08 am af Hun

» Legoland 2011
11th International Conference of European Council for High Ability 2008 (ECHA 2008). EmptySøn Feb 06, 2022 3:55 am af Hun

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11th International Conference of European Council for High Ability 2008 (ECHA 2008). EmptySøn Feb 06, 2022 3:27 am af Hun

» Min kære søn.
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» hjælp til 5 årig pige
11th International Conference of European Council for High Ability 2008 (ECHA 2008). EmptySøn Feb 06, 2022 2:58 am af Hun

» Vi er nye... en lille intro om os, og vores spørgsmål
11th International Conference of European Council for High Ability 2008 (ECHA 2008). EmptyTors Apr 28, 2016 6:15 am af bettina1979

» Hvor skal jeg starte, vil gerne have testet min søn inden skole start
11th International Conference of European Council for High Ability 2008 (ECHA 2008). EmptyTors Apr 07, 2016 8:27 pm af Soes

» People who boast about their I.Q. are losers
11th International Conference of European Council for High Ability 2008 (ECHA 2008). EmptyTors Mar 03, 2016 8:43 am af Zmiley


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 11th International Conference of European Council for High Ability 2008 (ECHA 2008).

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11th International Conference of European Council for High Ability 2008 (ECHA 2008). Empty
IndlægEmne: 11th International Conference of European Council for High Ability 2008 (ECHA 2008).   11th International Conference of European Council for High Ability 2008 (ECHA 2008). EmptySøn Sep 14, 2008 9:14 pm

It is both my privilege and my pleasure to welcome you to the 11th International Conference of European Council for High Ability 2008 (ECHA 2008). ECHA 2008 will be hosted by the Center of Giftedness with a great support of National Institute of Children and Youth, Mathematical and Psysical Faculty of Charles University and will take place in the city of Prague. The media partner of the conference is Publishing House Portál.

The major purposes of the International Conference are to present an outstanding scientific program and to promote international exchange. The Organizing Committee of ECHA 2008 has selected world renowned researchers and educationalists as keynote speakers and invited performers.

ECHA 2008 conference
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11th International Conference of European Council for High Ability 2008 (ECHA 2008).
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